Rules & Regulation

ules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for discharging Functions.
The whole work is done as per Dentists Act 1948 and as per State Dental Council Rules 1957.
Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representa- tion by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof irk
The Punjab Dental Council which consist of Elected Members and Nominated Members and Govt. Officials hold Meetings, from time to time, so as to assess the working of the Council and to see that whole work is done, as per provisions in the Dentists Act 1948 and as per rules and regulations.
A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control
Most important documents of the Council is the record of “Registration” which is available in the “Registers of Registered Dentists” (can be viewed at the website of the Council).Besides, Proceedings Register/ Cash Book/ Contingency Register/ F.D.R. Register of the Council, Receipt – Dispatch Register/ Directory, various Misc. Forms etc. etc.
A statement of boards, council, committees &other bodies constituted as its part
The Punjab Dental Council has Executive Committee which has 4 Members besides President & Vice-President and a Committee for C.D.E. Programme in the State which has 5 Members. Minutes / proceedings of the Meetings held by the Punjab Dental Council from time to time are being put in the website of the Council. Composition of the Punjab Dental Council as constituted by the Punjab Govt. through Notifications is already available at the web site of Punjab Dental Council and are open to the Public.
The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.
The Registrar of the Council, Dr. Rajesh Sharma is the Public Information Officer and this information is also given on the website of the Council, with his telephone number, Website and E-Mail address of the Council. Dr. R.S. Mann, President of the Council is the appellate authority.
Procedure followed in Decision Making Process
All decisions are taken in the Meetings of the Punjab Dental Council, which are held from time to time every year.