About Us

Hon’ble Minister | Dr. Balbir Singh | |
Secretary | Shri Kumar Rahul, IAS (2000) | 0172-2742351 (O) |
D.R.M.E.Punjab | Dr. Avnish Kumar Director Research and Medical Education, Punjab. | 0172-5287760 (O) |
Registrar | Dr. Puneet Girdhar, | 98155-50666 (M) |
Particulars of Organization, Functions & Duties. The Punjab Dental Council Chandigarh was constituted by the Punjab Govt., vide Notification No. 6/8/2006-3HB-III/ 8765 dated 23.12.2011. This council has been constituted under the Dentist Act 1948 (Section 21) for a term of 5 years. The Council has 22 Members. Following 4 members have been elected from amongst themselves by the Dentists registered in Part-A of the State Register (under Section 21 (a) of the Dentists Act 1948):- | ||
1 | Dr. Rajan Jairath | 98140-25049 |
2 | Dr. Nitin Verma 88-Holy Estate, Holy City, P.O. Jujhar Avenue, Amritsar. | 98141-64068 |
3 | Dr. Anshuman Kharbanda, | 9815836630 |
4 | Dr. Romika Uppal, | 97791-25763 |
Following 3 members have been elected from amongst themselves by the Dentists registered in Part-B of the state Register (under Section 21 (b) of the Dentists Act-1948:- | ||
1 | Dr. Jai Kumar, | 93571-51962 |
2 | Dr. Madan Gopal, | 98155-77755 |
3 | Dr. Jagdigan Lal Anand, Railway Road, Doraha, Distt. Ludhiana | 99158-97005 |
Thus 1 seat is vacant in Part-B Section 21 (b). Following Heads of all the recognized Dental Colleges in the state have been nominated as Ex-Officer Members, under Section 21 (c) of the Dentists Act 1948. | ||
1 | Principal, Punjab Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Amritsar. | 0183-2223235 |
2 | Principal, Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Patiala | 0175-2301845 |
3 | Principal, Christian Dental College, Ludhiana | 0161-2610659 |
4 | Principal, Sri Guru Ram Das Inst. of Dental Sc. & Res., Amritsar | 0183-2585356 |
5 | Principal, Dasmesh Inst. Of Research and Dental Sc. Faridkot | 01639-250257 |
6 | Principal, B.J.S. Dental College, Hosp., and Res. Inst. Ludhiana. | 0161-2677367 |
7 | Principal, Guru Nanak Dev Dental College & Res. Inst., Sunam | 01676-224801 |
8 | Principal, Desh Bhagat Dental College & Hospital, Mandi Gobindgarh,(Fatehgarh Sahib) | 01633-264653 |
9 | Principal, National Dental College & Hosp., Dera Bassi (Mohali) | 01762-282612 |
10 | Principal, Luxmi Bai Inst. Of Dental Sc. & Hosp.Patiala. | 0175-2681116 |
11 | Genesis Inst. Of Dental Sc. & Res., Ferozepur | 01632-235500 |
12 | Adesh Institute of Dental Sciences & Research, Bathinda | 0164-5055116 |
13 | Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha Dental College & Hospital, VPO Sarabha, Distt. Ludhiana. | 0161-2864808 |
14 | Raya-Bahra Dental Coll. & Hosp., V.P.O. Sahauran, Distt.Mohali. | 0160-5009663 |
15 | Sri Sukhmani Dental Coll. & Hosp., Dera Bassi, Distt. Mohali. | 01762-506437 |
Following 3 members have been nominated by the State Govt., under the Dentists Act 1948 Section 21 (e):- | ||
1 | Dr. Sachin Dev Mehta, | 98146-85605 |
2 | Dr. Vivek Saggar, | 98155-55700 |
3 | Dr. Jagdish Singh Gill, | 98150-23315 |
Following 2 Members have been nominated by the State Govt., under the Dentists Act 1948 Section 21 (d) and Section 21 (f) (ex-officio) | ||
1 | Director Research & Medical Education Punjab. | |
2 | Director, Health & Family Welfare, Punjab. | |
Dr. Jeevan Lata, Principal, Punjab Govt. Dental College & Hospital, Amritsar, is the President of Punjab Dental Council and Dr. Puneet Girdhar, Joint Director (Dental), O/o D.R.M.E. Punjab, Sector 69, Mohali, is the Registrar of the Council. Members of Dental Council of India There is one seat by Nomination to the DCI against which Dr. Puneet Girdhar has been nominated by the Govt. Similarly there is one seat to be filled by election to the DCI against which Dr. Vikas Jindal has been elected as Member of the DCI. The term of the members of Dental Council of India is 5 years. |